10 Freshwater Fish On My Wishlist

Due to my budget and living arrangements, unfortunately, I can’t have all the fish and aquariums that I could ever want. Because of this, I have decided to make a wishlist of the first fish that I would want to add to my collection if I ever have the opportunity. Enjoy!

Cardinal Tetras


Since my entry into the hobby of fish-keeping, schooling fish have always fascinated me. One day I would love to have a huge school of cardinal tetras, most likely in a planted tank. Schooling fish like these, especially brightly-colored tetras, are hypnotizing to watch and are beautiful.



One day I would love to have a pair of Oscars. These fish are known as one of the smartest fish in the hobby, and one of the only fish that you can easily teach tricks to and even feed out of your hand. These fish can get pretty big, which is pretty appealing to me, as I really want some bigger fish.



Although these fish are known to be incredibly hard to keep, due to their shy and fragile nature, they are insanely beautiful and a very unique-looking fish. I would love to give these a try when I have a bit more experience under my belt.

Angel Fish


These guys are also known for being a little trickier to keep, but a tank full of them is incredible and amazing to look at. I would love to give these fish a try due to their really uniquely shaped fins and because they can go in community tanks with other fish.

Jack Dempsey


These guys are a type of cichlid that grows to be about 8 inches long, which is appealing because I like bigger fish, and they have an absolutely striking appearance. I feel like this would be a great addition to any large cichlid tank, and I would love to try it out.

German Blue Ram


These are small fish that can live in community tanks, but are a showstopper, even in a small tank. These fish can draw your eye form any other fish, and they are very cool-looking due to their bold fins.

Colombian Blue-Eyed Pleco


These guys can get incredibly expensive, and for good reason. They are absolutely stunning and are a very unique fish. I have always liked black fish, and I think this would be a very cool addition to any tank.

Red Tailed Shark


Although the name might seem a little offsetting at first, these fish only get to about 6 inches and are one of the most beautiful fish I have ever seen. This is near the very top of my list for fish I eventually would love to have.

Fancy Goldfish


Although some might think that this is just the fish that everyone gets and isn’t even that great, but fancy goldfish are actually very cool fish and can look fantastic if the tank around them looks good. I would eventually love to have a large goldfish tank with maybe 10-15 large goldfish.

Flowerhorn Cichlid


This fish is one of the most unique fish that I have seen, due to the obvious bulge on the fish’s head. While shopping for this fish, the bigger the mass on the forehead, the better, because it is a good indicator of the health of the fish and because it stands out even more. This fish is fascinating to me and is also near the top of my list for fish I would eventually like to have.

While I know this is a lot of fish to hope for, I hope that one day I will have enough aquariums to hold all these fish and more! I look forward to see what the future holds for me in the aquarium hobby!

2 Replies to “10 Freshwater Fish On My Wishlist”

  1. Loved this post. We have had tetras, but I believe ours were called neon tetras. They were in a community tank and seemed to do well. Very beautiful fish. We have also had angel fish. They are certainly beautiful, but their beauty and their name are deceiving. They are aggressive and mean both the other angel fish and to any other fish in the tank. We had a cichlid tank for a while. I can’t remember exactly what we had, except I do remember the large under the gravel algae cleaner that looked like a snake and you know how I feel about snakes. Remind me to tell you sometime about getting rid of it. I love the German Blue Ram. Move it to the very top of your list. We had a beautiful fancy goldfish. We had it for a long time and even named it. The Flowerhorn cichlid is really cool. As I said, I really loved this post. What are you going to do with your fish when you enter the military?

  2. Melody Jones says: Reply

    all the fish were cool!!!

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