How to Install Kali Linux on a Virtual machine for Hacking or Pentesting

In order to do most hacking, one must have a machine running Kali Linux. Since most people don’t have a spare computer or Raspberry Pi lying around, I decided to make a tutorial on installing Kali Linux on a Virtual machine.

First, you navigate in your browser to This site will have the software needed to run a virtual machine. You simply click on downloads and then choose the one compatible with your computer.

Once clicked this will start the download of the VirtualBox virtual machine software. When it is finished, click on the file at the bottom of your browser and the installation wizard will open.

Move through the wizard clicking “yes” or “next” to move on until it starts to install. When this is done, click finish and open the program.

It will be relatively empty, but ignore that for now, because we need to get Kali Linux for it still. To do this we go to and click on the VirtualBox 64-bit image of Kali Linux.

Wait for it to download, then open the .ova file at the bottom of the screen. Click Import to start the unpacking of the file.

Now, you should have a virtual machine in your VirtualBox window. If not you can close and reopen the application and it should pop up. Click on the machine and then click the start arrow at the top of the application to start the virtual machine. If, like in my case, it has trouble with usb 2.0 settings, you can close out the virtual machine, go back to the other window and navigate to the settings of the virtual machine. There you can find the usb settings and switch it from 2.0 to 1.0. This should fix that problem. Then you can boot up the machine. The first thing you will see, besides the VirtualBox loading screen, is the Kali Linux login screen. The default username is kali and the password is also kali. These can both be changed if that is your preference.

The first order of business is to open the terminal, which should be on the taskbar, and make sure the machine is up to date. This can be done with the command “sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade”, where “sudo” gives you root permission, “apt-get” retrieves the files, and “update && upgrade” is self-explanatory. It will ask you for your password because you used “sudo” to give yourself permission, and this will be “kali” again, assuming you haven’t already changed it. When this is done running, you will have a fully functional Kali Linux hacking machine at your fingertips. This can be used for all sorts of pen-testing and hacking, as well as the Bandit Wargames I have done some tutorials on. If you are eager to get started on your hacker journey I would recommend you take a look at those for an intro to hacking, pen-testing, and Linux in general.

Link to Bandit Level 0-1:

7 Replies to “How to Install Kali Linux on a Virtual machine for Hacking or Pentesting”

  1. I love how smart you are. So proud of you for learning all of this and sharing your learning with others.

  2. awesome job Drew!!!!

  3. I have no idea what you are talking about, but Popa said he does. I can tell you worked hard on it and I am impressed.

  4. You’re too smart for me, Drew. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your smarts with the rest of us, even when we don’t get it! 😉 xoxoo

  5. One should ALWAYS change the default root password. Otherwise it’s just too easy for somebody who is pen-testing YOU! 🙂

    1. Too true. There are many attacks you can perform that specifically target those who have neglected to change their root password. For anyone who is new to Kali I would suggest that to be the first thing to do with your machine, virtual or otherwise.

  6. Melody Jones says: Reply

    I don’t no what your talking about, but you did great!

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